Tamil Write Pad app is a specific tamil language notepad app that gives you a easy and fun note taking experience. It allows you to hand write tamil on your phone or tablet.
எழுத்துக்களை நேசிக்கும் தமிழ் சொந்தங்களுக்காக...
This application is still under development so might contain some bugs and problems we appreciate if users help us by reporting them.
Auto save
word suggestion
Simple to use
Light weight application
No background process
Write Pad app is a specific tamil language Tamil notepad note taking app that gives you a easy and fun experience. It allows you to write tamil hand on your phone or tablet.
For the ones who love the Tamil alphabet ...
This application is still under development might contain some bugs and problems so appreciate if we help users reporting them by us.
Auto save
word suggestion
Simple to use
Light weight application
No background process